domingo, 11 de abril de 2021

september 20, 2019 One more night

 I need to write down here all the words that I need to say. Right now I find myself with the wish to reach you. I want to be able to share all with you or at least what I think right now, but I definitely should not, and before, only deep inside me I knew that I should not, now I am conscious of it, and that is the reason I am writing down here my thoughts.

It is ironic how when I am with you, I found myself forgetting all I want to say, and I feel sad for the urge I felt before to leave. I can say that I was exhausted, and moody like recently I feel, and I needed space.
It is ironic how much I want you right now, but when I am with you, I feel myself letting you escape.
You are the sand that I try to keep on my hands.

september 2019

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